

Scalefin anthius (Pseudanthius squamipinnis), Eagle Island lagoon

Scalefin anthius (Pseudanthius squamipinnis), Eagle Island lagoon

Gorgonians, Egmont Atoll

Gorgonians, Egmont Atoll

Coral Turbinaria sp, Egmont Atoll

Coral Turbinaria sp, Egmont Atoll

Stingray (Dasyatis sp), Middle Island

Stingray (Dasyatis sp), Middle Island

Stinging hydroids, Middle Island

Stinging hydroids, Middle Island

Yellowfin goatfish (Mulloides vanicolensis), Nelsons Island

Yellowfin goatfish (Mulloides vanicolensis), Nelsons Island

Whitetip soldierfish (Myripristis vittata), Nelsons Island

Whitetip soldierfish (Myripristis vittata), Nelsons Island

Octopus sp, Nelsons Island

Octopus sp, Nelsons Island

Long nose butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus), Nelsons Island

Long nose butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus), Nelsons Island

Coral polyps (Euphyllia sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon Ile Diamant

Coral polyps (Euphyllia sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon Ile Diamant

Coral (Echinopora sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon Ile Diamant

Coral (Echinopora sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon Ile Diamant

Fire coral (Millipore sp), Middle Island

Fire coral (Millipore sp), Middle Island

Soft coral (Dendronepthya sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Soft coral (Dendronepthya sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Ascidian Atriolum robustum, Nelsons Island

Ascidian Atriolum robustum, Nelsons Island

Coral garden with moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Coral garden with moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Corals and fish, Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Corals and fish, Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Coral (Acropora sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Coral (Acropora sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Gorgonian, Middle Island

Gorgonian, Middle Island

Acropora sp_stagshorn, Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Acropora sp stagshorn, Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon

Acropora sp, Nelsons Island

Acropora sp, Nelsons Island

Mushroom coral (Fungia sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon Ile Diamant

Mushroom coral (Fungia sp), Peros Banhos Atoll lagoon Ile Diamant

Soft coral, Salomons Atoll lagoon

Soft coral, Salomons Atoll lagoon

Soft coral, Salomons Atoll lagoon

Soft coral, Salomons Atoll lagoon

Coral (Lobophyllia sp.), Salomons Atoll lagoon

Coral (Lobophyllia sp.), Salomons Atoll lagoon

Coconut crab, Ile Boddam

Coconut crab, Ile Boddam

Hawksbill turtle, South Brother Island

Hawksbill turtle, South Brother Island

Juvenile coconut crab

Juvenile coconut crab

Hermit crab

Hermit crab