
February 2012 Expedition - Day 4 - last day around Diego Garcia

Distances around Diego Garcia atoll are much greater than in the northern atolls as the only exit from the lagoon is the pass at the north.  The other atolls have several passes through which we can get to seaward sites.  This means that it is either a very long boat trip to the work sites on the south of the atoll or we drive down there and dive from the shore, which is trickier than it sounds when you have to get through the breaking waves on the reef crest. 

Les, the chief engineer, and the Marlin crew, have rigged a winch on the rib for Tom and Jessica to reel in the BRUV equipment.  We are all looking forward to seeing what is down at the depths we haven’t been able to observe before.

Yesterday’s dive site had high coral cover at 60% average over the reef, so recovery continues to be good and Charles and Anne are delighted at the continuing good health of the DG reefs.

Pascaline, our trainee scientist, is a great help, with, we very much hope, a future in marine biology. With Catherine and Heather she was up till well after midnight helping to process samples.Dive Officer David was roped in too I noticed.

Pete R, has been a wonder with the logistics, we have never been so well equipped, sorted, labelled and organised.Bob, the expedition doctor, has been working with Nick the ichthyologist (fish guy), recording habitat data along Nick’s transects. He is now aware of the great difference between scientific diving and ‘tourist’ diving. Head down and keep writing on your board while all the local wildlife is lined up behind you making faces!

Pete C, being based on DG, has plenty of experience of the way things work here and has been marvellous help in obtaining information and equipment.  He will be charting and counting the bird colonies on the islands in the northern atolls, a solitary job with only his radio and clever new  GPS for company.

Tonight we set sail for Salomons Atoll, always a favourite with every expedition.  The next blog entry will come from there.

Research, February 2012 Expedition
